Avéli™: Long-Lasting Cellulite Treatment
About 90% of women have cellulite. Despite its prevalence, there is nothing on the market that treats the root cause of cellulite. Lotions, massage, diet, and exercise don’t touch the septa bands that cause dimpling. That’s where Avéli comes in. Avéli is the first and only cellulite device that allows for the precise release of the bands under the skin (called septa) that are the main cause of cellulite dimpling.
What is cellulite and what causes it?
Cellulite is a depression of any shape or size with defined edges seen on the surface of the skin, typically on the buttocks or thighs. They can appear as dimples or “lumpy” skin. Genetics and hormones play a role, but the major underlying cause of cellulite are the fibrous bands that tether your skin to the structures below. These bands are called septa. Some septa are good (and you want them as connective tethers), but others stiffen or shrink over time and lead to the dimples we see on the surface.

Mild Cellulite Before and After

Severe Cellulite Before and After

Moderate Cellulite Before and After
What is Avéli?
Avéli is a minimally invasive, one-time, in-office procedure that uses a handheld device which targets and cuts the septa that cause dimpling. Avéli does not treat skin laxity (loose skin) or localized pockets of fat.

A typical procedure can take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. This time can vary depending on how many dimples are being released. The first half is for administering local anesthesia which can take longer, and the second half is the procedure itself.
The only mild discomfort you may feel is during the local anesthesia. After that, the procedure itself is painless- you will only feel tugging and pulling during the releasing of the bands.
There is little to no downtime. Most patients return to their daily activities within 24-48 hours.
The most common side effects after the procedure are mild pain/tenderness, firmness/swelling of the treated areas, and bruising. Any pain can be treated with ibuprofen or Tylenol and should go away within a week. Swelling and bruising improve anywhere from a week to 30 days.
It is recommended to avoid strenuous activities or workouts in the first few days/weeks after the procedure to allow the area to heal. We will provide you with complete post-procedure expectations and recommendations.
Releasing septa bands provides an immediate improvement, however results should be visible once swelling and bruising subsides. By one month you should start to see the final results.
Swelling and bruising is common. If there is a cluster of dimples that are treated in a localized area, there is an increased risk of a seroma, aka fluid buildup. These are easily treated in the office by removing the fluid with a syringe.
Compression and self-massage are the most important part of recovery. You will be asked to bring compressive shorts/leggings the day of the procedure where you will also be given foam to wear for max compression. Compression should be worn for a minimum of 1 month, or longer if you prefer. Gentle self-massage the first 2-3 weeks post-procedure will help reduce the risk of seromas and scar tissue. For a more intensive massage after a month, you can receive post-procedure massages from our in-house clinical massage therapist to break up any scar tissue that has formed.
The ideal candidate is a patient with a BMI less than 30, mild to moderate skin laxity, with dimpling on the buttocks and/or thighs.